
The 2020-2021 Staff:

Josie Hunter – Editor-in-chief of the magazine and Senior English major at Stevenson University. Josie is also a red belt in Taekwondo.

Leah Bayley-Hay – Associate Editor and Poetry Section Editor. Leah is a Junior English major at Stevenson University and enjoys collecting sunglasses.

Hannah Bagley – Prose Section Editor. Hannah is a Senior English major at Stevenson University and loves plants and embroidery.

Hailey Apperson – Media Editor. Hailey is a Sophomore Psychology major at Stevenson University. In her past, Hailey danced competitively for seven years.

AJ Brown – Marketing and Public Relations Manager. AJ is a Junior Graphic Design major at Stevenson University and enjoys trivia in superhero movies, comics, and television shows.

Jacob Sell – Assistant Poetry Editor and Website Maintenance Team Member. Jacob is a Senior Information Systems major at Stevenson University. Along with his studies, Jacob is also a trumpet player in Stevenson’s marching and concert band.

Sam Stephenson – Assistant Poetry Editor. Sam is a Sophomore English major at Stevenson University and loves country and indie pop music. In her free time, she is a DJ for WSR.

Jeremiah Zaeske – Assistant Poetry Editor. Jeremiah is a Senior English major at Stevenson University and in his entire life, he has only been able to smell cinnamon, alcohol, and cow manure.

Jasmine Holman – Assistant Prose Editor. Jasmine is a Senior English major at stevenson University and has once ranked third in the novice division of Baltimore City’s high school tennis tournament.

Marisa Sloan – Assistant Prose Editor. Marisa is a Freshman Chemistry major at Stevenson University and worked as a dental assistant in a dentist’s office in high school.

Megan Ovungal – Assistant Prose Editor. Megan is a Senior English major at Stevenson University and has once traveled to Belize.

Janel Heasley – Assistant Prose Editor. Janel is a Junior English major at Stevenson University and worked at a pottery store for five years. Because of this glazing pottery is now one of her favorite hobbies.

The 2017-2018 staff:

Audrey R. Diggs – Editor-in-Chief of the magazine and Sophomore English major at Stevenson University. Audrey likes iced coffee, hardback books, print comics, and snowy trips to the beach. In her free time, you’ll probably find her trapped in a pillow fortress by The Great Hypnotist Netflix.

Andrew G. Boone – Film editor. Interested in film, photography, art, theater, music, and philosophy. Finding at Stevenson a space in which these media can coexist, and interact in meaningful ways. Andrew is a transfer and a commuter. When not on campus, he can be found shut in his basement watching films, editing films, writing films, loving films.

Andrew A. Vetsch – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. English major. He is an avid reader of nearly everything. He has been very passionate about stories since he was little due to his avid imagination. He always takes a book with him everywhere he goes in public.

Cydney D. Walford – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Cydney is a Screenwriting Major with an English Minor. Her main passions are reading and writing; particularly, Science Fiction and Fantasy are her genres of choice. In the future, she sees herself working for television networks in the writer’s room and writing her own novels.

Danielle D. Brown – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Danielle Brown is a Senior English major at Stevenson University. She is getting ready to graduate in May and hopes to go into the publishing/editing business. In her free time, she likes to read, hang out with her friends and mentor the robotics team in her hometown. ​

Katelyn D. Heidel – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Katie Heidel is a Sophomore English major aspiring to one day work as an editor, preferably of fiction novels. Aside from editing various fiction stories, Katie enjoys reading, watching anime, daydreaming, and procrastinating. She’s pumped to be part of the Greenspring Review team and can’t wait to see all the awesome entries!

Lanett E. Bagley – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor.

Marcus Tucker – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. English major. Senior (looking for a job—preferably with a literary publishing company). Passions: reading, writing, editing, music. Freelance editor/journalist looking for a home.

Morgan E. LaMonica – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Morgan is a Junior English major. She plans to work as an editor at a children’s publishing house with the hopes of publishing her YA novel-in-progress This Light Must Go Out, as well as writing and illustrating picture books.

Ryan M. Roche – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Ryan is a Junior English major with a love of books and bikes. Outside of class, you’ll probably find him at work or the skate park.

Tiffany A. Ko – Assistant Technical Editor & Copy Editor. Tiffany Ko is a Sophomore majoring in Theatre and Media Performance and minoring in English at Stevenson University.

2017-2018 Advisors

Dr. Amanda Licastro – Digital publishing advisor

Prof. Meagan Nyland – Editorial advisor

The 2016-2017 staff:

Dr. Gerald Majer- Creative writing supervisor

Dr. Amanda Licastro- Digital publishing supervisor

Kayleigh Marinelli- Editor-in-Chief of the magazine and a senior English Major at Stevenson University. Kayleigh is preparing for graduation in May and applying to graduate school. Overseeing the magazine and all of its publications is her internship at SU. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, and watching movies.

Taylor Barksdale – Assistant Editor of the magazine and a senior CIS major with an English minor at Stevenson University. Taylor is preparing for graduation in May 2017, and is enrolled in the BS to MS program at Stevenson University. In addition to editing, Taylor works at the SU Owings Mills campus library and has a software engineering internship. Her hobbies include going to concerts, spending time with family and friends and reading.

Lanett Bagley- Assistant Editor for the magazine and a sophomore English major at Stevenson University. Lanett is currently working towards her BA in English while managing her time working on her submission for National Novel Writing Month. In her spare time, she can usually be found reading, writing, or playing the newest video game that has caught her interest.

Juwan Guinyard- Assistant Editor for the magazine and a Sophomore at Stevenson University. Juwan is a member of M.I.L.E, enjoys sports, and just hanging out.

Audrey Diggs- Assistant Editor of the magazine and Stevenson University freshman. Audrey is over-excited about writing her own work and reading the work of others. She’s made exploring Stevenson’s clubs and campus life an imperative, while working part-time off campus. Outside of Stevenson’s universe, Audrey also enjoys film, indie music, Gillian Flynn-esque books, and Marvel comics.

Julia Hand-Assistant Editor

Mone Moore- Assistant Editor

Laura Bowen- Assistant Editor