35 Entry-Level Magazines You Should Also Be Submitting To | Sam Stephenson

Are you a writer or artist who is starting out? Maybe you’re like me: you’ve written a few things and got them published with the Greenspring Review, but you wouldn’t call yourself a ‘writer’ yet. Or maybe you wrote something and it wasn’t accepted by GSR because your piece didn’t best fit the magazine at the time. MAYBE you haven’t created anything you’re comfortable with sharing, but you have a recurring nightmare where you get your work published and the only way to conquer your fear is to, well, try it!! 

No matter who you are, wanting to share your creativity with the public isn’t unusual. As daunting as the idea of rejection is, the exhilaration of an acceptance email is enough to make you want to try!  

But wait, trying means finding a publication that fits your style. Is that even more intimidating? Not anymore! Browse the top 35 literary journals that accept the work of emerging writers (which means you have a better shot at getting an acceptance email) listed below. You’ll find links to the website, a short bio, as well as a link to one or two of their most representative works! 

  1. Thrush Poetry 

Thrush poetry publishes bimonthly (six times each year). They typically cater to shorter works, often less than a page. The journal usually publishes character driven work.  

“We Buy Broken Gold” by Tennessee Hill 

  1. Rust and Moth 

Rust and Moth publishes on a quarterly basis. The content of their journal holds to a philosophical tone, but many of the pieces have darker themes. 

“Breakfast with My Father” Merna Dyer Skinner 

“Your Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity” by Susan Cossette 

  1. 3Elements 

3Elements is a quarterly-published journal. Each quarter, 3Elements reveals three words that serve as a prompt for writers. Every piece must include the three elicited words. The journal leans toward character-driven work.  

“Where Old Miners Go To Die” by Florence Murry (page 34) 

  1. FreezeRay 

FreezeRay Poetry accepts poems on a quarterly basis. The subject matter of their submissions must be centered around pop-culture (think music, TV shows, movies, comics, video games). They are eager to accept slam poetry, video performances, and other more modern styles of literature. They encourage geeky and quirky work.   

Various Works by Saraeve Fermin 

  1. The Rising Phoenix Review 

The Rising Phoenix Review publishes every month. They accept work that allows readers to mentally travel to another society or location. As inspiration, let the reader vacation to an experience that you have been in the front row of. They value the use of imagery, figurative language, and storytelling in submissions. They often publish writers whose careers lie outside of the English field but whose submissions compellingly explore diverse subjects with a unique perspective. 

“Spring Comes” by Ling Ge 

  1. Eunoia 

The Eunoia Review publishes two poems each day.  They will accept up to ten poems by one poet. The generally give responses within 24 hours! They often publish shorter work, typically around half of a page. Most of their work also incorporates very descriptive word choice 

“Cracked Wheat” by perfectsublimemasters  

  1. Little River 

The Little River Lit Mag publishes work five times each year. They are a small, informal operation. 

“Thursday, a Little Before the School Bus Is Due” by Holly Day 

  1. [Pank] 

[Pank] is a highly regarded quarterly magazine that prides its eccentric and experimental work. Every submission has the opportunity to be published in print, in addition to online. They also accept reviews, interviews, and feature essays/articles for their [Pank] Daily publication. When sending poetry, you must submit a minimum of three poems. 

“Many Wet Feet Everywhere” by Stephanie Choi 

“What’s Said One Day is Reversed the Next” by Elizabeth Burk 

“The ______ Question” by Zach Goldberg 

  1. Second Chance Lit 

Second Chance is a quarterly publication that exclusively accepts work that has been previously rejected at other magazines. They maintain a selective stance towards their submissions, but encourage the mentality that rejected work isn’t poor work. 

“Stranger” by Natasha Bredle 

  1. American Poetry Review 

The American Poetry Review is a selective magazine that is for advanced poets. They charge $3 per submission, but pay $1 per line of accepted poetry. If you think your poem has what it takes- go for it! 

“Spirit Level” by Dorianne Laux 

  1. Foglifter’s 

Foglifter’s is a biannual journal that publishes work from marginalized communities, especially focusing on LGBTQ+ and queer artists. They love accepting artists from intersectional backgrounds, and they strive to create a space in the literary world for underrepresented work.  

“Asylum” by Yujane Chen 

“When I’m Feeling Dysphoric” by Beasa Dukes 

  1. Paper Darts 

Paper Darts is a magazine full of eclectic work that showcases bold creativity. They publish about eight months per year depending on the quantity of submissions they receive. They primarily accept fiction and micro-fiction.  

“Lobsterwomen” by Robin Lewis 

  1. Split Lip Magazine 

Split Lip magazine publishes every other month. They look for work with personality, spunk, and modern taste. Poets may only submit one poem each submission deadline. They par $50 for each poem they accept. 

“Trans Poetica” by SG Huerta 

“Portrait of Timothée Chalamet’s Silver Suit as Andrea Zambelli’s L’Honnesta Keter on Display at the Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 551” by Adrienne Novy 

  1. Glass Mountain 

Glass mountain is a bi-annual student-run publication. 

“a Pinterest board called ‘girlhood’” by Delaney Kelly 

“why do you write?” by Tom War 

  1. Grub Street 

Grub Street is an annual publication run by our neighbors at Towson University! They particularly enjoy accepting inventive genre types, such as poetry comics, lyric essays, and prose poems. 

“i’m reading a book about disease on the train” by Gabrielle Grace Hogan (page 3) 

“Ikejime” by Ashley Wagner (page 69) 

  1. Stillpoint Lit Magazine 

Stillpoint Literary Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis, which is published at various times online and annually in print. Their work typically showcases everyday subject matters in crisp imagery. 

“North Carolina” by Natalia Blooming 

“Tsunami” by Benjamin Faro 

  1. The Ekphrastic Review 

The Ekphrastic Review is a monthly publication that exclusively publishes writing inspired by and based on visual art, in order to stimulate art appreciation. 

Starry, Starry Night: An Ekphrastic Anthology by Various Writers 

  1. Adanna 

Adanna is a journal about womanhood, the female experience, and women’s issues from the perspective of all genders. The publication has an immersive, upbeat tone. 

  1. Scarlet Leaf Review 

The Scarlet Leaf Review is a monthly publication that accepts insightful, perceptive work.  

“Wordsworth Tries Instagram” by Christian Ward 

“Dead is the Hope” by George Gad Economou 

  1. Star*Line 

Star*Line Poetry is a quarterly publication that accepts science fiction work. Don’t take that limitation too strictly, though, because they are open to work that ranges from being intently academic to imaginatively fantastical! They also pay three cents per word published!! 

“We Smoke Pollution” by Ai Jiang 

  1. UReCA 

The UReCA is the Undergrad Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, which publishes annually. They accept purposeful, yet risky work that works alongside a concrete use of voice.  

“Fried Egg” and “Two (2) Slices of Baloney” by Mercury-Marvin Sunderland 

  1. Better than Starbucks 

Better than Starbucks is a quarterly journal that accepts a variety of poetic forms.  

“wind-scattered seeds” by David Kehe 

  1. Green Blotter 

Green Blotter is an annual, student-run publication that encourages writers to experiment with one aspect of poetry in each piece. Many Green Blotter writers experiment with sound! 

“Banana Blossom” by Lauren Gomez 

  1. Zingara Poetry Review 

The Zingara Poetry Review publishes artists who have less than three publications under their belt with an aim to publicize emerging writers.  

  1. Beloit Poetry Journal 

Beloit Poetry Journal publishes biannually. Most of their published work is energetic yet comes to a revelation. The magazine wants to refresh itself with the voices and styles of new contemporary artists. BPJ publicly accepts long poems (meaning possibly over two pages!)  

“The Daughter’s Almanac” by Monica Ong 

“Diagnosis: Thelonius Monk” by Anthony Borruso 

  1. EPOCH 

EPOCH is Cornell University’s student-run literary magazine that publishes three times each year. They pay poets $50 per poem, and accept various forms of poetry, including long poems.  

  1. Baltimore Review 

The Baltimore Review is a quarterly journal that aims to develop the presence of literature in the community of Baltimore. They appear to be an informal journal, but they do elect a contest winner for each genre in every other issue! 

“Housebreak” by Stephanie Dugger 

  1. Mochila Review 

The Mochila Review is an annual student-run magazine that published undergraduates only. They accept five poems per submission. Mochila has been working for the past five years to revolutionize their magazine by publishing work that is experimental and exciting to intrigue readers. 

  1. Angles 

The biannual, student-run journal Angles takes a new perspective on classic poetic values and strategies. They strive to collect striking, yet detail-oriented work. 

“Two Poems” by Zoe Lafontant 

  1. The Ascentos Review 

The Ascentos Review is a quarterly journal that modernly explores Latinx culture. They accept work written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, as well as combinations of those languages. 

“Departation” by Juania Suenos 

  1. Blackberry: A Magazine 

Blackberry is a quarterly magazine that discusses the Black female experience. 

  1. Black Sunflowers Poetry Press 

The Black Sunflowers Poetry Press publishes female writers and black poets. 

“Another Poem about Trees aka ‘The Birthday Effect’” by Unknown 

  1. Glittership 

The annual, science fiction and fantasy focused literary magazine, Glittership, publishes LGBTQ+ creators. They accept “queer & speculative” work, paying $10 per poem. 

“The Quiet Realm of the Dark Queen” by Jenny Blackford 

  1. Daily Science Fiction 

Daily Science Fiction accepts a wide range of science fiction short stories on a daily basis.  

“An Age Based Guide to Children’s Chores” by Marissa Lingen 

  1. Everyday Fiction 

Everyday Fiction publishes short stories and flash fiction… everyday! 

“Dead Spider Curl” by Chip Houser  

I hope you enjoyed looking through this list of magazines. Remember to be brave in your submissions and remember that your voice has value! 

One comment

  1. This is informative and helpful. Thanks for putting this list together. And thanks for the inspiration and encouragement at the end to be brave!

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