Heart of Cards | Chris Morrison

Love was in the air- or was it simply poetry?- on Valentine’s Day Eve as GSR members gathered to celebrate the holiday in a very literary way. Spread across the tables of the Garrison Coffee House were supplies to make your very own Valentine cards, complete with recycled paper lovingly handmade by our own Editor-in-Chief, Sam! The interior of these cards were sprinkled with poetic messages and sayings written by staff members and passersby alike, helping all to get into the spirit. And speaking of poetry, we had an open mic! Only one attendee had the courage to bear their soul in front of said mic, so we must take the time to congratulate staff member Ryan Elspas for his beautiful ode to his soulmate- who, as the poem reveals, he hasn’t met yet but still believes is somewhere out there. It was this sentiment, the idea of love in all its many forms, that set the tone for the entire night.

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